Beauties are everywhere.
I think we care to much about beauty. Beauty is like happiness. Beauty seems to be a goal to achieve. I feel like we are always purchasing it, following the definitions and opinions of society, advertisings, Instagram, friends neighborhoods. And I feel like it is so hard to reach this « beauty » because noting seems to be beautiful enough. I don’t want to look for beauty, I want to look to beauties. Somehow it is like happiness, I think you start to be happy when you stop to purchasing it. And I want to find beauty everywhere. Recently I realized I can find beauties even in random. I think random traces on the snow are beautiful, the path of the glue fixing a window, the doodles made during a zoom class, the drawings on the fogged window. I raised the question « How many beauties there are? » I feel like I can’t answer. I can’t count it. Beauty is boundlessness. There are so many beauties because beauty is everywhere. Beauty is everywhere because there are so many beauties. It depends on the point of view. Beauties are everywhere and this is maybe the power of beauty.